Monday, December 18, 2017

Whittington-Lenderman Double First Cousins

On this date 191 years ago (December 18, 1826), my great-great-great grandparents married  in Wilkes County, N.C. They were Allen A. Whittenton (1801-1899) and Elizabeth Lenderman (1804-1838). 

This is their marriage bond.  Allen signed at the bottom right with a circle around his name.  The bondsman was Allen’s brother John W. Whittenton.  At that time, some people spelled the name Whittington, others Whittenton.  This document includes both spellings!  Source: North Carolina, Marriage Records, 1741-2011, Allen A. Whittenton-Elisabeth Lenderman, 18 Dec 1826; digital images, Operations, Inc., ( : accessed 5 Aug 2017).

Actually, three Whittenton/Whittington siblings married three Lenderman siblings.  The other couples were:
  • James Asbury Whittington (1805-1886) married Mary "Polly" Lenderman (1808-1876) in 1827.
  • Mary Melissa Stearns Whittington (1809-1889) married Henry Lenderman (1809-1898) in 1829.
These people were the children of
      Leonard Whittington (1770-1856) and Sarah Kilby (1780-1866)
      Leonard Lenderman (1779-1841) and Anna Fyffe (1780-1843).

All three couples had several children.  Their children were double first cousins.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Tom and Nora's house on Devonshire Street, Winston-Salem, N.C.

My grandparents, Wiley Thomas Snyder and Nora Bessie McNeil Snyder, lived for a few years in Winston-Salem.  Tom bought this house on October 2, 1916, with a mortgage, for $1,415.   He wrote Nora that he had “a mighty grand house” with a “fine location, city water, and electric lights.”   In this photograph of the house, Nora is on the right, with Tom and their sister-in-law, Myrtle Snyder (Will’s wife).  Tom bought 721, while Will and Myrtle lived next door at 719 Devonshire Street.

While serving in the U.S. Army in WWI, he rented out the house.  Six weeks after his discharge in 1919, he married Nora and they moved into the house.  The house still exists today!  The street was renumbered so it's no longer 721.


Forsyth County, NC, deeds, 1849-1927, 148: 143, H. A. Pfohl et al to W. T. Snider, 2 Oct 1916; NC state archives microfilm C.038.40067.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Tom and Nora's Wedding - April 16, 1919

Here is the newspaper article about their wedding, followed by the photo taken on their wedding day.

[Wedding announcement in the Hustler newspaper in North Wilkesboro, April 18, 1919, page 1, column 2]


A beautiful home wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride's father, Mr. G. T. McNeil, April 16th, 1919.  Miss Nora McNeil became the bride of Mr. W. T. Snider, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Snyder of Millers Creek, one of Winston's mechanics just returned from France, of the 81st Division.  The bride is one of Millers Creek's most beautiful and esteemed young ladies.

Among those present were Rev. and Mrs. R. F. Jarvis, of Adley, Mr. and Mrs I. R. Vannoy, of Wilbar, Messrs. J. B. and Jess Snyder, brothers of the groom.  After the ceremony by Rev. R. F. Jarvis they were ushered into the dining room where a most luxurious dinner was served.

The young couple left by auto for Wilkesboro to leave on the two-thirty train for his beautiful new home in Winston-Salem.

Showers of good wishes from their friends of Millers Creek.

One Present

Nora sewed her dress by hand.  Her maternal grandfather, Rev. Richard Franklin Jarvis, conducted the service at his home in Wilkes County.  I'm sure his wife, Nora's grandmother, Martha Ann Pardue Jarvis, was there too.  Other people mentioned in the article:
  • G.T. McNeil was George Thomas McNeil, Nora's father.  I'm sure his wife, Nora's mother, Clara Eva Hettie Ellen Jarvis McNeil attended too!
  • Mr. and Mrs. N.G. Snyder were Nicholas Grindstaff Snyder and his wife, Louise Jane Whittington Snyder..
  • Mr. and Mrs. I.R. Vannoy were Isaac Ransom Vannoy and his wife, Ila Margaret McNeil Vannoy, his wife (Nora's oldest sister).
  • Mr. J.B. Snyder was John B. Snyder, Tom's brother, who had just been discharged from the Army after serving in France.
  • Mr. Jess Snyder was Tom's younger brother (too young to serve in the Army).

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Courting Miss Nora - March 28, 1919 - Wedding Plans!

Tom is now back at his home on Devonshire Street in Winston-Salem.  He is very excited about his upcoming wedding.  Tom mentions:

  • Nora’s father, George Thomas McNeil, was sickly but survived until 1930. 
  • Jess was one of Tom’s younger brothers.
  • Nora’s maternal grandfather, Rev. Richard Franklin Jarvis, would conduct the service.   
  • Mr. Fisher rented Tom’s house in Winston-Salem while Tom was in the Army. 
  • Tom’s brother Will and his wife Myrtle lived right next door. 
  • The job Tom would return to was at R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company in Winston-Salem.

[Friday] March 28, 1919
#719 Devonshire St, Winston-Salem, N.C.

Dear Miss McNiell,

I safely landed ok but I am not satisfied without you. Certainly do hope you are well and all.  The rest of your people hope your father is better by now.  I was over town today and picked out our stuff and will get it now or wait until you come either way.  I much rather you would see it first before we get it.  Anyway you say suits me you know. Did Jess give you your ring?  I hope he did. You wear it every day

[p. 2]
for it is solid gold. Now you be sure and let your Grandpaw know what time to come over to marry us and don't you fix up no large amount for dinner unless you want to for it is too much trouble. Listen, I've got more stamps than I knew and I am going to send you some and don't think hard of me. I've already told Mr. Fisher to move out of our house. He did hate to get out so bad I felt sorry for them but we have got to have it.  So happy will we be.  No one can tell my two bands now that we have on hand would now cost $100.00 dollars.

[p. 3]
Myrtle and Will is so glad I am going to get married. Don't be uneasy about me going with the girls down here for I won't go with any one [of] them for I think too much of you to do that and  besides all of my love is for you and all ways will be and no one else.   I am going to work Monday at 38 an hour at my same job I left behind go to France. I don't know how I am going to stay down here until Easter without you but I will tough it out some way maybe. Ha"  I will put in one of them pictures but they are not good ones.

[p. 4]
Are we going to stick to what we said about writing such long letters.  That will just suit me for I am no and to write letters anyway, long ones specially. I couldn't get my letter off in time for you to get it Sat. [I] don't think, for I don't know how the mail is running.  Now [I] hope you will get this one Sat. morn.  You ought to so if you go to the box supper think of me. So I will stop this time.  Hoping to hear from you soon. Remember the 16th day of April and write me soon as you can.
Your loving,
W.T. Snyder

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Courting Miss Nora - February 9, 1919 - "Am real anxious to hear from you."

Tom hasn't gotten any mail from home since he left the U.S. on July 31, 1918, over 6 months ago.  He doesn't know if his brother John (also serving in the U.S. AEF in Europe) is safe or not.  He sent this postcard to Nora from the Army hospital at Camp Lee, N.J.


[Postmark:  Feb 9, 1919]
Miss Nora MeNiell, Millers Creek, N.C.

Hello Nora,
Am now at Camp Lee, Va. Base Hospital Ward 26. Write me soon. Haven’t heard from you since I left the States.  Am real anxious to hear from you.
Mech W. T. S.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Courting Miss Nora - January 25, 1919 - "Just got back"

Tom’s service record shows he served overseas from July 31, 1918 to January 25, 1919.  That means he boarded a ship to Europe on July 31 and returned to American soil on January 25, which is 5 months and 25 days.  He sent this postcard on the very day he returned.

Miss Nora McNeill, Millers Creek, N.C.
Well I am glad to say I am in N.Y. City at the present time and going to Camp Merritt N.J. Will write you soon. Sweet Dreams. Bye.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Discharged! March 3, 1919

Wiley Thomas Snyder was honorably discharged on March 3, 1919 at Camp Lee, N.J.  He was a Mechanic in Co. D, 321st Infantry.  Tom’s total service from induction to discharge was one year, 5 months, 13 days.  Below are his discharge papers (one paper, front and back).